domenica 28 agosto 2016

Why I decided to move to Sweden

It's a question everybody is asking me, so i think it's time to answer.
I have been always interested in the economic aspect of life and few years ago i was starting to ask myself why Nordic Countries are such a model for us that we are never able to reach (i'm Italian). Sweden (together with other countries in Scandinavia) is lacking a little bit in natural resources (the weather makes impossible to pursue a good agricultural economy, and Sweden has to import a lot of what we find in the supermarkets). So, what make a such small and big country at the same time (really huge territory but just 9 milion inhabitants) growing so well, why they have a really good country when it comes to Human Developement Index, one of the highest in the worlds (Norway and Denmark are champions in that), how they reacted so well to the financial crisis of 2008. I'm italian and, as most of you know, and i'm really disappointed by my country. And it seems to me our model is totally wrong, it's not working. Regarding everything: from immigrants to corruption and so on and so forth.
I had been living in Italy for most of my life and i wanted to move to Sweden in order to start my master degree there, but i was late with my studies and i didn't have really the chance to try it.
Also because my mood was like "could i do that?", "maybe it's not my thing to go abroad". I thought i wasn't enough strong, you know what i mean. And suddenly a really big chance occured to me and it's name is Erasmus Traineeship. It's a post-degree program that most of you know, i'm quite sure of that. So, i told myself: i want to test myself. So, let's start with a short period, and see what come out of. So, after few weeks, life decided for me: it was going to be Poland for two months. No other options.
At the beginning i was (i don't hide it under the bed) a little bit disappointed: you know, i applied for Germany, England, Spain but at the end it was "just" Poland. In Italy we haven't really good opinion about this country. Neither god nor bad. My friends were telling me "oh, wtf are you doing?" "my god, keep attention, it could be dangerous". Really. They were ignorant, as mush as I was.
So, i moved to Poland, Cracow. And - wait for it - i totally fell in love with this wonderful, extraordinary city. I can say without hesitation it was the best period of my entire life. And i was feeling good there, far away from my mother country. And i felt really bad because i was expecting something totally different, and... "Italy is my country, and i don't want to stay there, i'm a piece of s**t". But it's the truth, nothing more. So, i thought that maybe i could find my way in the world, that it's not so impossible to leave for a long time abroad, that i can do that. So, i gave up about the idea to continue my studies in Italy and i looked for a job, and i found it without really big problems (thousand of international corporations). And i had been there for one entire year, without going home that much (in total just 2 weeks). So, why not Sweden?

I really loved Cracow but the wages to be honest for italians are so low that doesn't make possible to save enough money for italian cost of living. So, i decided to apply for Sweden and Karlstad, this small city in the South (other italians are going to laugh at me, i know it guys), is going to be my home for the next two years. So, that's pretty much my story. If someone needs to talk about moving abroad or needs info about Sweden don't be afraid to contact me.
So, stay awesome bros, as PewDiePie, the Swedish Youtuber, says all the time.

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