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Hope you're enjoying the Friday :)
I'm going to! Finally today me & my colleagues reviewed for the last time our assignment and we handed it to the professor.
So, yeah of course i will have to study but my weekend will be quite without any deadline in mind or stuff like that.
The first month in Karlstad and in Sweden is done! I arrived the 21st of August. Today is 1 month and 2 days. Wow.
And it's time to celebrate and made a some sort of summary.
In this first month several things happened: in the early days i had been staying for few time in the flat of a lovely Bulgarian girl, i moved to a host family (first time), i started the university, i had my first two written assignment in my entire life (in Italy not really common), i have been meeting people from India, Thailandia and Reunion Island, i learned by heart the n.1 bus line schedule and i have been seeing a of forests, i fed a moose, i payed 35 kr for a bus ticket (>3,5 euros) and a lot of other stuff. Positive and negative, but i think that the positive ones were many many many more!
Karlstad is the city i was expecting for? I can not say I totally fall in love with the city, that i cry as a Bieber's fans when I go to the center. I have to be honest. But i really like it and enjoy a lot the nature and its amazing and outstanding landscapes. I love the city when it's quite but not to much, i love the color of the sky in the afternoon, i love the Hej of the bus driver every time i get on the bus, the fika breaks, the student friendly environment, the kindness of the people, the singing Swedish melody when they talk to each other.
Yeah, Swedish people are kind and nice. I love them. They could look shy but i rarely see a Swede that don't openly smile to me when we start talking or don't try to help when you look like having troubles, also the most stupid one. They have dinner with open windows, because they don't have fear that the neighbor look to them or try to do the businesses... i love Swedish attitude and i love their culture.
I do not regret anything, for the second time in my life after the polish experience (yeah, i had been living in Cracow for more than one year). That's what i needed, i think.
Sometimes you obtain what you want without knowing what you really want.
Because, yeah, of course my goal was to study in Sweden and i wanted to get in contact with Scandinavian culture but i didn't really know what to expect but i think it is overcoming my expectations.
The only problem is, as Abba teach, money, money, money. Sweden is expensive for a medium class Italian like me and i am really a person emotionally attached to money. So, when i start to calculate how much i spended or how much i am going to spend here i do not really like it, and i do not really know if the money that i earned in Poland is going to be really enough in order to support my all study period of 2 years. I made a lot of sacrifices in order to have as much money as i could and now to see that is not enough is not a good feeling. After almost 2 years in which i didn't ask my parents anything, in which i was able to provide for myself everything it is not a good feeling. I know my parents are totally okay with that, they love me, and they would give me all their savings, how cares!
They were prepare to pay for me everything, so you can imagine but I don't want to.
I though about looking for a part time job but here it is practically impossible to find a job without knowing the language, so it is not a possible solution for now, unfortunately.
We will see, sometimes i just foresee too much and at the end it is not necessary and I also think that how much i am going to spend doesn't have to be a metric in order to calculate my success in this pattern. I'm learning a lot, i'm happy here and i'm improving myself and this is what matters.
So, because the first month is gone I would like to set new goals:
1. Start to seriously learn Swedish. In the next days i will have to the office for enrol myself for the SFI, a free swedish course offered by the kommun.
2. Try to foresee less. I will try in the next month to be more "daily person". It's years i'm trying, i hope it's the right time.
3. To partecipate more to the activities around the city and the one organized by the university. A lot I have been missing because I'm a lazy person, and with that i mean that basically I like to lay in the bed during the weekend. There is the craft evening , the language café, the pub events, the waffle friday... and I never take part in this events.
4. To celebrate a nice birthday. The 27th is my birthday and few days ago i didn't really want to celebrate it because i live far from the center and even more far from the campus where everybody that i know lives and i do not have my place to host them. But thanks to the really nice girls I met in the university and their enthusiasm, i think I will organize a massive italian dinner for everybody in their common kitchen. I hope to do my best and represent Italy in the best way!
So, that is for this time. Outside it's heavily raining (it's two days that the weather is shitty) so i will take the chance to start my 1° goals of the month.
I hope you like it. If yes, i let you know you can subscribe to the blog.
See you soon!
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